Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

What my glucose monitor taught me

I wore a continuous glucose monitor for about 6 weeks. This post covers my biggest takeaways from that experience. The short version: I learned more about how my body worked in these 6 weeks than the other 40 years living in it and countless hours studying life sciences.

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Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

Fructose vs Glucose

Fructose seems like the latest nutrient to demonize. But like most things, it’s not inherently bad. Rather, the issues only come with excess. Unfortunately, there’s excess fructose in so much of what we are eating these days. In this post, I’ll break down why fructose differs from glucose in your body, and why that matters.

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Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

What is the Glycemic Index?

You already knew that some foods affect your blood sugar more than others, but did you know there’s a way to predict how much of an impact different foods will have? These measures are called the glycemic index and glycemic load.

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Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

Glucose Metabolism: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

In your quest to support your health through better nutrition, you may have come to the decision that sugar should be avoided at all costs. Or you may just be tired of hearing that you should avoid it. However, sugar isn’t an inherently bad thing. Often it is as much about timing and what you are eating with your sugar that really matters. Let’s look at what happens in your body when you consume sugar, a process called glucose metabolism.

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Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

The (mostly) Not Green Vegetables

Last week we covered lots of green vegetables, and in this post we’ll cover some of the nutrients you can get from the more colorful vegetables. You don’t need to eat all the vegetables every day, but consuming a rainbow of colors throughout the week can help you be sure you are getting all the awesome benefits that vegetables offer.

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Joy-Based Living Joy-Based Living

Eating Your Greens

Yes, we are still on carbs. And yes, vegetables are largely carbs, so this seemed like a good time to talk about the different types of vegetables and all the unique vitamins and minerals they provide. But I promise, there are no green smoothies required to get the benefits you need from vegetables!

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